During this intimate workshop, trainees will receive socialsklz:-) lesson plans, learn how to teach the nationally acclaimed program, and have the opportunity to be in the workshop space, where they will see firsthand how to run workshops and the business.
At the socialsklz:-) headquarters in Manhattan, trainees will learn the methodology and curriculum (11 modules total) that has been successfully implemented for the last 7 years at our own space, in-homes, at colleges and universities, in public and private schools, and at organizations spanning the globe.
PART 1: Trainees will be taught how to effectively teach the content of our essentialkidz:-) (ages 4-7), essentialtweenz:-)(ages 8-12), and essentialteenz:-)(ages 13-17) curricula in a fun, engaging way that resonates with kids.Trainees will also receive a manual with lesson plans, prop lists, parent guides, and workshop materials. Lesson plans also include timing breakdowns for running workshops, as well as games and activities to accompany each lesson.
PART 2: Observation of sample lessons taught in person to a group of students in the socialsklz:-) classroom.
PART 3: A question and answer session with de Muyshondt on the ins and outs of running programs and the business itself. During this portion, you will also have the opportunity to discuss the marketing and PR aspects of the business, which falls under de Muyshondt’s professional background.
Graduates will receive a flash drive with our socialsklz:-) class materials for each workshop and be able to market themselves as " socialsklz:-) certified"using a logo and certificate that we provide.
For more information, please email info@socialsklz.com. Some restrictions apply.
TRAINING FEE: $3900.00
LICENSE FEE: $900 annual licensing fee to continue to use the program beginning the year following training date
Thursday, February 6-Saturday February 8th, 2020
Thursday, April 23-Saturday, April 25th
Thursday, July 9th-Saturday, July 11th, 2020
*We also offer one- on- one training via video conference
Quotes from socialsklz:-) certification graduates
“I have just returned from NYC where I spent 3 days at the socialsklz:-) centre, training to become a certified instructor under the superb tuition of its founder Faye de Muyshondt. It was a transformative experience. Full of practical ideas and solutions, the training not only gave me great pleasure, it has also left me with a clearer understanding and practical knowledge on how to develop children's social and emotional skills and give them the ‘tools to thrive in the modern world.’ Thought provoking and illuminating, the course covered a great deal of ground enriched by insights from both a wealth of ‘hands on’ practical experiences and psychology. No one could ask for more from just one course.”
-Dr.Ruth MacConville
Author and Director of Practical Mediation Solutions
"I’ve recently returned from a three-day socialsklz instructor certification training in Manhattan. Every aspect of the workshop was impressive--an ideal combination of tutorials and class observation. I left with complete materials to begin teaching, the confidence to do so, and the reassurance that Faye de Muyshondt and her colleagues would be there for ongoing consultation and advice. socialsklz fills such an important need in our children’s educational journey and I am thrilled to be bringing socialsklz to the Greater Boston area.”
-Juanita Allen Kingsley
"My kids went through Faye de Muyshondt socialsklz:-) classes a couple of years back. Faye taught the classes in such a fun and interactive way that my kids still remember their lessons vividly and demonstrate those skills when they are out in public. As a mom, I have been impressed and therefore I decided to return and become a certified instructor under Faye's charge. I believe that social skills are important to success in the corporate world and there is no better time to start building a strong foundation than when your child is young!"
-Audrey Sim
"socialsklz:-) Instructor Training could be summed up as the most significant training I have attended in my professional career. I would equate my three days in New York to a mini- MBA. Faye de Muyshondt made sure no stone was left unturned. She offered both class-room study and practical hands-on training which most social training courses are missing. Faye shared studies supporting the need for social programs for children from every walk of life. Finally, she shared some invaluable business lessons learned that she has gathered over the years. This course is a must for anyone entering the field of social skills education."
-Tanya Maclin
Austin, TX