"Last Sunday, my daughter met someone new. She smiled, gave a firm handshake, and confidently looked that person in the eye. I was not around, but a friend called me the next day to comment on it, and I told her about socialsklz:-). My daughter loved the class and really wants to continue, even after the 4-session workshop. I expect that she will be a repeat customer! Keep up the good work."
Tanya Hill,
mother of Ivy (7)
"socialsklz:-) works! My son, although initially hesitant to attend the classes, now loves it and looks forward to attending each week. While he may not tell me exactly what he does in class (nor at school) I have heard from others that he has been making eye contact and shaking hands with adults. And he's become so much more thoughtful! He cooked us breakfast (with a properly set table!) this weekend. socialsklz managed to make manners fun for my 11 year old boy, which is no easy feat."
Beverly Buscemi,
mother of Alex (11)
"socialsklz:-) has already made an impact in my 13 year old daughter's life. She absolutely loved the class and has been practicing the life skills she learned. She intends to take additional classes when she gets older. Thank you socialsklz:-) for making a difference!"
Claudia Drummond,
mother of socialsklz student
"The overall message of the program is respect for yourself and others, and since the class we have witnessed the most amazing behavior shift in my son. He is listening to us and in turn his behavior has improved. And at this workshop he learned it was 'bad manners' to have people say something to you more than once. A total breakthrough for my boy."
Stephanie Ogozalek,
mother of Sebastian (5)
"I have to say that socialsklz:-) is an absolutely amazing program that has had an enormous impact on my children. Simple everyday manners that parents are often unsuccessful in getting their kids to follow through with, such as don't talk with your mouth full, are accomplished through your workshops. Who would ever think that kids would be so excited to learn about dining etiquette, firm handshakes and eye contact? Your workshops make learning proper manners and social skills fun. As a parent, I am delighted that my daughters have learned so many valuable skills that are for the modern world that they can use throughout their lifetime. Many thanks to you and your wonderful program."
Doris L. McCormick
mother of socialsklz:-) students Kayla and Bianca
"I have to say, my son initially came to the first class apprehensively and is now loving it!"
Angela Classi,
(11 year old son)
"Having been a client of Faye's, I know she is the most well-qualified woman in business to be instilling manners to children in our world today. She not only has unparalleled public relations expertise, which she exercises with innate sophistication and business etiquette, she is one of the kindest and most trustworthy people I know. Faye is a true role model."
Imogen Lloyd Webber/ILW Productions
"I have to say socialsklz:-) was the most impactful activity we have seen all year. It was engaging, fully educational, and 100% enjoyable for both the Bigs and Littles (Big Brothers Big Sisters). You delivered valuable information about social skills that I think will prove very beneficial to these young adults in both their every day social lives and when entering the workplace. Your presentation was actually the first and only that our Littles participated in, and my Little always mentions that was her favorite day of the program. Thank you again and best of luck to you!"
Stephanie Brown/ Bank of America
Volunteer mentor Big Brothers Big Sisters
"Thank you. The social skills that you have taught me have helped me to perfect everyday things that I wouldn't have thought about before."
Fendi Munoz, PS 140
Student/socialsklz:-) workshops
"I truly thought that the program was amazing and that our students really got a lot out of the material that you presented. I think that your program represented a nice mix of activities and was very interactive. I could tell by watching the students' expressions that they were completely engaged and interested in the information that you brought to the table…literally! You did a great job making the group feel comfortable to participate and I believe that they all had a very easy time seeing the value in the exercises that we did. "
Liz Lindgren/Associate Program Manager, Big Brothers Big Sisters
"Our nine-year old girls had a wonderful time and learned so much from your training session! The understanding of these social skills is so important to them as individuals and also in carrying forward the ethical standards that Girl Scouting promotes. hank you so much for providing this valuable program."
Katherine Hames/Leader, Girl Scout Junior Troop 2430
We will definitely think about future classes. My son was hesitant to come to your class, but he had heard from friends that the classes were a lot of fun (that was the only way he allowed me to sign him up in the first place). He absolutely loved the class, and told me several times about how much fun he had.
“Evangeline really enjoyed the class and has been showing off her new skills all summer. I am really pleased with her confidence and information retention - we can’t eat in a restaurant with her without her moving things to ‘where they are supposed to go’. She is also very confident when meeting adults and introducing herself. We’ll definitely look to future classes in the coming year”
Melody Conwell,
mother of Evangeline