"Social skills are necessary for school success. They affect how you do on the playground, in the classroom, in the workplace" --Dr. Barbara Howard, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and an expert on behavior and development." The New York Times

In today's fast-paced world, the ways in which we interact are constantly evolving. While new technology has enhanced our lives in many ways, the art of face-to-face interaction remains crucial to success. The scientific journal, Child Development, released a comprehensive analysis of 33 studies which found that, "…Teaching kids social and emotional skills leads to an average 11 percentile-point gain in their academic performance over six months compared to students who didn't receive the same instruction." The study also found that these skills help students ranging from kindergarten through high school form bonds with their teachers and peers.
socialsklz:-) was founded by Faye de Muyshondt to equip children and young adults with the vital tools needed to succeed on the playground, in the classroom and ultimately at the workplace. Through a series of fun, interactive workshops, socialsklz:-) teaches lessons including greetings and introductions, making a good first impression, starting conversations, patience and thoughtfulness, self-control, respect and consideration, dining and phone skills, as well as safe Internet interaction for the older age set. The skills mastered are not only empowering, but build confidence and self-esteem, paving the way to a more fruitful life. The program has been widely touted and featured extensively in the media.
Faye has volunteered and worked with organizations including: the YMCA, Girl Scouts of America, Big Brothers Big Sisters, New York Junior League, Children's Museum of Manhattan, Macy's, and the Women's Club of White Plains, as well as NYC public and private schools.
Collaborations and partnerships