Faye de Muyshondt has worked in Public Relations for fourteen years and understands the power of good social skills in all realms of life. Having spent years building brands, securing media coverage, and conducting media training seminars for clients, she has seen firsthand the relevance of these skills for anyone -- not just corporations or celebrities. It was while she was teaching PR and Marketing as an adjunct professor at both NYU and the Fordham Graduate School of Business that she realized neither elementary, high school, nor college curricula include the practical lessons that students need to succeed in school and in life, namely social and communication skills.
Faye responded to this dire need by creating a lesson plan geared towards teaching her students how to best present themselves and interact with others. She named the class "The Brand Called YOU!" and addressed topics such as the importance of a good first impression, greetings and introductions, and how to converse without using the dreaded phrases 'like', 'um', and 'ya know'. She also included technology tips such as what to post (and, more importantly, what not to post) on social media sites and how to send a proper email. The popularity of her new class propelled Faye to introduce the same basic life lessons to elementary school students at NYC public schools through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, the YMCA, and Girl Scouts. In September 2009, Faye turned her program into a full-fledged workshop series, and thus socialsklz:-) was born.
Faye holds a B.A. in Communications from Boston College and is the founder of Faye Elizabeth Communications, Inc., a Public Relations firm in New York City. She was formerly an Adjunct Professor at NYU in the department of Media, Culture, and Communication, and served as an Adjunct Professor at the Fordham Graduate School of Business. Faye is a regular contributor to the Today Show and is a featured expert for NBC's Parent Toolkit. She has also been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, PIX, Good Day Philadelphia, Windy City Live!, and many other print and online media outlets. She contributes to New York Family, the New York City Private Schools Blog, and Huffington Post.