"Social skills are necessary for school success. They affect how you do on the playground, in the classroom, in the workplace" --Dr. Barbara Howard an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and an expert on behavior and development." The New York Times

Prior to forming socialsklz:-), Faye de Muyshondt spent over a decade in the Public Relations industry managing the brands of corporations and individuals. In addition to creating strategic plans and garnering media coverage, she also conducted extensive media training seminars as she prepared clients for interviews. During those seminars, she realized that media training sessions could be wildly beneficial to anyone --not just for those headed into media interviews -- and the closest we ever come to something like this is a critical comment from a loved one or family member.
De Muyshondt continues to work with corporations and businesses around the country conducting corporate workshops that focus on social skills for the workplace. She's worked with organizations and businesses including Rosewood Hotels, Dannon, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Macy's, Touro College, and Johnsonville to name just a few. Topics covered include making a good first verbal and non-verbal impression, shaking hands, initiating, maintaining and closing conversations, grooming, presentation skills, social media etiquette, smart-phone interaction inside and outside the workplace, workplace hierarchy, and overall professionalism across generations.